Why e-books? Pros, cons, facts ...
Yes, actually, why? It’s very simple, there were times when people kept information on clay tablets, papyrus, other information carriers. But time does not stand still, paper came to return,…


How are sites created?
Recently it has become terribly fashionable to place commercial websites and representative web pages on the Web: each tiny company considers it its duty to leave its own mark on…

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User friendly interface
When planning the structure of the navigation menu - consider well-known statistics, which states that the average user must find the final document in a maximum (!) Of three steps…


Internet reached

Who to entrust the development of the site?

You have thought over everything, provided for everything and decided to create an Internet representation of your company in the network. Here you can go in two ways: hiring specialists on a permanent or temporary basis, organizing a website development department and conducting the entire cycle of work within your company on your own, the second way is to involve external executives in the implementation of various stages of work. You only control the stages of development, and the entire production cycle is carried out outside the company. Continue reading

Internet security

According to the results of an international study conducted in the European Region, in the Middle East and Africa, it turned out that the index of the Russian Federation’s citizens on security in the Internet reached the European average. In this case, more than 11,000 people (including children and pensioners) from 27 countries were interviewed. Continue reading

Who to entrust the development of the site?
You have thought over everything, provided for everything and decided to create an Internet representation of your company in the network. Here you can go in two ways: hiring specialists…


Recipe learning web design
Income-generating websiteWeb design and related disciplines are still relatively young and still under development. I am often asked the same question: "How to become a web designer?". The answer is…

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Design and logic of the Internet portal
Information portal is one of the most popular Internet resources. What only interests, aspects of life, activities they do not cover! Portals on professional topics, news portals, portals on art,…
