How are sites created?
Recently it has become terribly fashionable to place commercial websites and representative web pages on the Web: each tiny company considers it its duty to leave its own mark on…


Non-standard operating systems
Menuet OS is an operating system not similar to Windows or Unix because it is written not in C (C ++), but in pure assembler (therefore the code is very…

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To help the site customer and future users: Customer errors
It is not a secret to anyone that a human being is far from being perfect and can be mistaken. The consequences of this affect both himself and his surroundings.…


either clients

Instructions for the customer: website design – what you should pay attention

Sooner or later every company needs a website. Suppose the leaders “ripen” to this thought. They immediately have a lot of questions. Who! When? How many? How? Let’s try to figure it out and give some tips. First you need from a variety of proposals to choose developers. Such people who will not only create something and pretend to promote it, but will work without promises, but as efficiently as possible. Continue reading

What is in the name?

When you use the web or send e’mail, you use the domain name to do this. For example, the Uniform Resource Locator or URL “” contains the domain name, as well as, for example, e’mail address Every time you use a domain name, you use the DNS server of the Internet to translate the easily readable domain name into a computer-readable IP address. Continue reading

Visual Network Enlightenment. Book review for web designer
Information for consideration CSS Zen Garden is a site that was born on May 8, 2003. The site consists of a single HTML file, by the example of which it…


Internet security
According to the results of an international study conducted in the European Region, in the Middle East and Africa, it turned out that the index of the Russian Federation’s citizens…

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25 frame: truth or fiction?
Homo sapience (a reasonable person) has been studying the possibilities of studying human beings for about as many years as there are on the planet. Mind is peculiar to the…
