Alternative browsers
Typically, choosing to work in a particular browser for Windows, the user prefers the most popular options such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. This is convenient…


The main elements of the modern site.
Elements of a modern web site. So from the first estimate, it is certainly difficult to identify the main features of a modern web site. But I still try to…

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Recipe learning web design
Income-generating websiteWeb design and related disciplines are still relatively young and still under development. I am often asked the same question: "How to become a web designer?". The answer is…


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What is in the name?

When you use the web or send e’mail, you use the domain name to do this. For example, the Uniform Resource Locator or URL “” contains the domain name, as well as, for example, e’mail address Every time you use a domain name, you use the DNS server of the Internet to translate the easily readable domain name into a computer-readable IP address. Continue reading

Writing high-quality articles for the blog that you liked and would be quite understandable to the reader is very difficult. It depends on them how much you interest your audience…


Recipe learning web design
Income-generating websiteWeb design and related disciplines are still relatively young and still under development. I am often asked the same question: "How to become a web designer?". The answer is…

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What is PR?
Let us imagine that the boss gave you the task to pick up the literature, pull the given info from there (and say about the food industry) and prepare this…
