The main elements of the modern site.
Elements of a modern web site. So from the first estimate, it is certainly difficult to identify the main features of a modern web site. But I still try to…


New stage of development of the network with HTML5
With new modern requirements for the design and interactivity of websites, the possibilities of the HTML4 standard, on which the vast majority of projects are built, to say the least,…

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Types of sites
There are numerous types of websites based on the purposes they serve. Today, when there are more than 300 million functioning websites on the Internet, it becomes a bit difficult…



Amateur tips or how to make a full-fledged corporate website

At work, I deal with a rather specific topic in the field of construction, which, to put it mildly, is of little interest to the majority of “normal” people. For quite a long time I thought about the need to create a good website dedicated to the professional field of activity that would be of interest to specialists in my field and would be a reliable “help” in working life. Continue reading

Make your CMS better

Recently, I did a little research using the site, where you can test dozens of all kinds of open CMS (Content Management Systems, content management systems), and I was not satisfied with the result. All I had to see was cumbersome and difficult to manage software, with a bunch of options, often going around the basics of usability. The software written by profane and for profane. Continue reading

Why e-books? Pros, cons, facts ...
Yes, actually, why? It’s very simple, there were times when people kept information on clay tablets, papyrus, other information carriers. But time does not stand still, paper came to return,…


Design and logic of the Internet portal
Information portal is one of the most popular Internet resources. What only interests, aspects of life, activities they do not cover! Portals on professional topics, news portals, portals on art,…

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Recipe learning web design
Income-generating websiteWeb design and related disciplines are still relatively young and still under development. I am often asked the same question: "How to become a web designer?". The answer is…
