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To help the site customer and future users: Customer errors

It is not a secret to anyone that a human being is far from being perfect and can be mistaken. The consequences of this affect both himself and his surroundings. The biggest problem is that he is often unable to understand what his mistakes are and, therefore, he cannot correct them either. This applies to all human activities without exception. Not spared it and Internet business. Or rather the creation of sites and their operation.
Due to the fact that many site customers do not understand site-building, and many do not even realize that not one person but the whole team is involved in creating a site, there is a misunderstanding of the development of this process and a huge number of errors are born, for which the customer then pays for both finances and time. At the same time, the site turns out to be unsuccessful, and the customer is the loser, losing faith in the Internet capabilities or in the specific organization dealing with his website, despite the fact that they made mistakes. It is much easier to prevent the commission of various, irreparable mistakes, than to wrestle with trying to correct what you have done, losing time, money, being angry with your developer and cursing fate.
This article is published to help the customer. It displays all the major errors that are possible when creating the site, as well as the reasons for their appearance. The material is based on the personal experience of designers, programmers, layout designers and managers who have repeatedly faced the customer’s illiteracy in the creation of websites and tried to direct it more than once, however, these attempts are due to the inherent human stubbornness and conviction in their sole rightness , sometimes were negated. We hope that the information collected by our experts will help you avoid the problems that often arise when creating a website.
Types of errors
Errors, as a rule, begin even before the start of a project. The very first mistake of the customer is a mistake in the attitude towards the project. Many people think that it’s enough for them to declare their desire to create a website and set deadlines for the work, and the developer will do the rest.
Attention! The developer will not do what you want, if you can not state his goals clearly and clearly with all the details
This mistake, namely, the launching of the site creation process to the mercy of fate, entails subsequent failures.
Errors at the design stage:
1. Lack of purpose
You must clearly know which site you want to get. The goal should be targeted, and the ideas formulated and detailed. It is advisable to prepare in advance a list of what should be on the site.
You should immediately decide for yourself the following questions:
questions about the purpose of the site (why am I creating the site?)
questions about the price (do I want to get a quality website and how much can I invest in it?)
question about the type of site (which site do I need – a business card site, an online store, an informational site, corporate representation, a portal?)
questions about the structure (which sections are needed? Will I add new sections to the site?)
Questions about software modules (what software modules can I offer and what should I choose from this?)
technical support questions (how do I register a site, what is a domain name and hosting?)
note: the list of questions can be endless, the more you ask yourself, the more you prepare for the creation of the site, and the fewer errors you will have in the future. That will help you save a significant amount of money and time.
Causes of errors:
lack of time for the customer to seriously participate in the creation of the site;
ignorance of the stages of site building;
overestimation of their material capabilities (the idea that a round amount of money is the only reason that can lead your website to success).
Ways to avoid errors:
reassignment of project work to a less busy employee;
exploring site building capabilities prior to the project development process;
active participation in project development;
clear formulation of goals.
2. Layout picture
Often, the customer of the site does not have the experience of a designer and judges the proposed layout as a picture. That is why accepts it proceeding from the taste. Layout is not a picture! This is a long, time-consuming process, requiring moral effort, the ability to apply logic and the cost of some time. The layout is not drawn, it is carefully thought out and developed specifically for the future audience of site visitors, taking into account the wishes and conditions of the customer. Do not forget that the site is designed for your customers.
Here you should remember about 2 things:
the designer (professional designer) makes the layout, based on experience and professionalism, and therefore, as a rule, offers a truly correct option;
you have the right to demand any changes in the design, but it is not necessary that it will be correct in terms of site building and user convenience.

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