New stage of development of the network with HTML5
With new modern requirements for the design and interactivity of websites, the possibilities of the HTML4 standard, on which the vast majority of projects are built, to say the least,…


How to determine the cost of the site
Starting to choose the company-developer of your resource, you probably have a certain budget. But first we recommend you to conduct a small marketing research. To develop a job that…

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Internet cheating
It has already become clear to many that you can make money online, but there is no “freebie” there. Almost everyone who uses the Internet has repeatedly come across a…


committed in childhood

Internet Trading Features

How to organize your trade? What do you need to do? What should be taken into account? Trading in the global network is one of the most popular and highly successful types of business today. And if you have a desire to organize your Internet business – you have made the right choice. But we must not forget that one desire is not enough, you need to have at least minimal knowledge about it and understand what you still need to do in order to start your own business in online trading. Continue reading

Internet security

According to the results of an international study conducted in the European Region, in the Middle East and Africa, it turned out that the index of the Russian Federation’s citizens on security in the Internet reached the European average. In this case, more than 11,000 people (including children and pensioners) from 27 countries were interviewed. Continue reading

Recipe learning web design
Income-generating websiteWeb design and related disciplines are still relatively young and still under development. I am often asked the same question: "How to become a web designer?". The answer is…


Tips for web design to increase sales
The better the design of your site, the higher your chances of increasing sales. Studies show that the main factor affecting the purchasing power of visitors to a commercial site…

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Non-standard operating systems
Menuet OS is an operating system not similar to Windows or Unix because it is written not in C (C ++), but in pure assembler (therefore the code is very…
