To help the site customer and future users: Why do I need a website?
Imagine that you recently opened your company. You have qualified staff, great potential and excellent opportunities for the implementation of its activities. Now it's up to the customers. So you…


Promotion and site promotion in search engines
Every day on the Internet there are many completely new sites that no one knows and can not find out. At first, all web resources go through a stage of…

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The safest font
Doctors continuously warn all computer users: prolonged sitting in front of a computer monitor is detrimental to health, especially to the eyes. Chronic eye fatigue may develop, eyesight begin to…



The safest font

Doctors continuously warn all computer users: prolonged sitting in front of a computer monitor is detrimental to health, especially to the eyes. Chronic eye fatigue may develop, eyesight begin to deteriorate. A disease such as CPS or computer vision syndrome appears. However, many Internet users who have heard such recommendations more than once still neglect the advice of doctors in whole or in part. Continue reading

Internet cheating

It has already become clear to many that you can make money online, but there is no “freebie” there. Almost everyone who uses the Internet has repeatedly come across a lot of fraudulent schemes on the network, sometimes brazenly open, and sometimes well veiled. Cheating on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular, especially through social networks. Perhaps some of you even fell into skillfully placed traps and learned a good lesson, as well as powerful motivation for a more detailed study of the methods of deception that are practiced via the Internet in order to rarely encounter fraudsters in the global network in the future. Continue reading

Can I turn off the entire Internet?
The global system consists of millions of computers, each of which invests in the information web space a piece of information located on it. It is known that the network…


What is in the name?
When you use the web or send e'mail, you use the domain name to do this. For example, the Uniform Resource Locator or URL "" contains the domain name,…

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Non-standard operating systems
Menuet OS is an operating system not similar to Windows or Unix because it is written not in C (C ++), but in pure assembler (therefore the code is very…
