Visual Network Enlightenment. Book review for web designer
Information for consideration CSS Zen Garden is a site that was born on May 8, 2003. The site consists of a single HTML file, by the example of which it…


Website Analysis
Today, in spite of weather conditions and political pre-clash, we continue the conversation begun in the past material - Basics of web-design. How to start developing a website? (it can…

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Non-standard operating systems
Menuet OS is an operating system not similar to Windows or Unix because it is written not in C (C ++), but in pure assembler (therefore the code is very…



There is such a profession - web designer!
Today information technologies have merged into almost every corner of our life. Every year, about 40 million PCs are used in almost all areas of our lives, communications and communications…


Vector Ulan-Ude - a reliable satellite in the city
If you possess the necessary information for you, then you will be able to correctly apply them and emerge as the winner of any situation. Today, a new project has…

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The most famous hackers
Hackers are the most gifted in the literal sense of the word circle of people involved in hacking various types of systems for fun, without causing appreciable harm to computers.…
