Recipe learning web design
Income-generating websiteWeb design and related disciplines are still relatively young and still under development. I am often asked the same question: "How to become a web designer?". The answer is…


Can I turn off the entire Internet?
The global system consists of millions of computers, each of which invests in the information web space a piece of information located on it. It is known that the network…

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Internet cheating
It has already become clear to many that you can make money online, but there is no “freebie” there. Almost everyone who uses the Internet has repeatedly come across a…


phased work itself

One of the main factors for business success is the optimization of your site.

Well-promoted site is now an integral part of the image of a thriving company. Web site promotion on the internet is the ability to apply search engine algorithms to generate income.
Firms that begin to consider the performance of an Internet site as one of the tools of a business sometimes can’t realize why a high-quality and professionally made resource doesn’t work, that is, it does not generate income. Continue reading

Online photo slideshow

Photos replacing each other in the form of a presentation clip on which you can overlay music and animated transition effects – this is what the slide show consists of photos. Most people do not use all the features of such a slide show, just looking at their photos. But with the help of various graphic editors, you can burn photos to DVD and later watch with your whole family or with your friends on the TV screen. You can even make a colorful and memorable show of photos right on the Internet. Continue reading

Stealth viruses or stealth viruses
Stealth viruses (Stealth) or invisible viruses are a type of resident viruses (reside in RAM). Stealth-viruses falsify information read from the disk so that the program for which this information…


What is in the name?
When you use the web or send e'mail, you use the domain name to do this. For example, the Uniform Resource Locator or URL "" contains the domain name,…

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Alternative browsers
Typically, choosing to work in a particular browser for Windows, the user prefers the most popular options such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. This is convenient…
