Who to entrust the development of the site?
You have thought over everything, provided for everything and decided to create an Internet representation of your company in the network. Here you can go in two ways: hiring specialists…


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Instructions for the customer: website design - what you should pay attention
Sooner or later every company needs a website. Suppose the leaders "ripen" to this thought. They immediately have a lot of questions. Who! When? How many? How? Let's try to…


How to determine the cost of the site

Starting to choose the company-developer of your resource, you probably have a certain budget. But first we recommend you to conduct a small marketing research.
To develop a job that you will send to potential developers, decide what exactly you need a site for. That is the first section: the purpose of creating the site. This is necessary both for the formation of personal motivation, and to facilitate the work of the company-customer. Section two is the design concept. In this section, you should define the conceptual view of your site, namely: whether you need a logo, corporate identity, determine the color concept, the elements that need an accent. The third section is the definition of site functionality. Here it is best to make a page description, namely: on which page and how the interaction with users will take place, whether there will be service and support. What software modules do you need in your work? Will the software be integrated with the site? The fourth section is about further support and development of the site. Will there be an advertising campaign, do we need banners and registration with search engines, how often will the update take place? Who will support the site: your office worker or developer company? And finally, section 5: testing and launching the site on the network. Here it is necessary to decide whose hosting services you will use, whether domain registration is needed, how much site optimization is required for various extensions and browsers.
You should end up with the following document:
The purpose of the site;
Design concept;
The functional support of the site;
Support and development of the site;
Testing and launching into the network.
After you create a mini-task, you get a draft business plan and make it easier to determine the price for the company-developer. Later, on the basis of this document, the company-developer will create a detailed technical task.
The following steps are very simple: choose a few studios and agencies that develop websites (usually determined by portfolio) and send out your task. After a while you will get a lot of commercial offers. Carefully analyze them: as a rule, the principle is: the more famous the company, the higher the cost of the site, but this does not mean that you need to rush to the other extreme and make the site for $ 100. In any case, the site is the result of creative and intellectual work.
Consider the fact that any professionalism is paid fairly high. And if you want a really high-quality and payable site, you will have to spend quite a lot of temporary and material resources.
How does site pricing happen?
At first glance it seems: what is there to pay such insane money? But it only seems. Intellectual work has always been and is the most highly paid, and the site requires time and mental costs. But each company is a free artist, that is, each developer evaluates his mental work differently. Namely: in one company you may be asked 300 dollars for a design, and in another 1300, but this does not mean at all that the second design will be much better, just in this company the designer is valued much higher than in the first one. And how to be here? Each project has its own approximate budget. If you are a representative of a small business, you probably cannot afford a website for $ 10,000. Start from your budget, but do not forget the basic principle: “A miser pays twice!” This statement is true to the development of sites.
It often happens that companies order their virtual representation from students of technical universities, paying no more than $ 500. As a result, the site does not pay back even this rather small amount, and turns into a headache: either a module does not work, or the attendance is small. And anyway, looking at the sites of competitors, the company later rework the site is already much for big money and incurs financial losses. So why attack the same rake, when, with the right approach, you can make a high-quality and convenient site.
In any case, your companion should be “knowledge.” You, probably, before working in the company, learned the scope of its activities, studied the specifics, and then began to work professionally and efficiently. In Internet business, the same rules: study the situation, determine the motivation: why you need a website, analyze the proposals and, we are sure, you will make a worthy choice.

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