Website development: Website types
Often the customer, ordering in a design studio to create a site, does not even know what format the developed resource should have. Will it be a simple promotional website…


Instructions for the customer: website design - what you should pay attention
Sooner or later every company needs a website. Suppose the leaders "ripen" to this thought. They immediately have a lot of questions. Who! When? How many? How? Let's try to…

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Perfect web team
All good is always small and compact, and in my opinion the ideal web team should consist of 5 people. For starters, you need a person who will bring the…


quickly and reliably

There is such a profession – web designer!

Today information technologies have merged into almost every corner of our life. Every year, about 40 million PCs are used in almost all areas of our lives, communications and communications are rapidly developing. And, naturally, it is in this area that new and new professions are increasingly in demand, such as a web programmer, a system administrator, an information security specialist, a web designer and many others. Continue reading

Internet Trading Features

How to organize your trade? What do you need to do? What should be taken into account? Trading in the global network is one of the most popular and highly successful types of business today. And if you have a desire to organize your Internet business – you have made the right choice. But we must not forget that one desire is not enough, you need to have at least minimal knowledge about it and understand what you still need to do in order to start your own business in online trading. Continue reading

The safest font
Doctors continuously warn all computer users: prolonged sitting in front of a computer monitor is detrimental to health, especially to the eyes. Chronic eye fatigue may develop, eyesight begin to…


Internet security
According to the results of an international study conducted in the European Region, in the Middle East and Africa, it turned out that the index of the Russian Federation’s citizens…

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Website development: Website types
Often the customer, ordering in a design studio to create a site, does not even know what format the developed resource should have. Will it be a simple promotional website…
