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There is such a profession – web designer!

Today information technologies have merged into almost every corner of our life. Every year, about 40 million PCs are used in almost all areas of our lives, communications and communications are rapidly developing. And, naturally, it is in this area that new and new professions are increasingly in demand, such as a web programmer, a system administrator, an information security specialist, a web designer and many others.
At present, there is probably no more or less serious company or firm that would not have its There is such a profession – web designer! on the Internet. I will not tell the search period for the web designer to create the site, let’s get down to business right away.
You did not think that the web designer will decide how your website will look like! No matter how you try to explain all your thoughts and fantasies about the future of design, it will still be made as close to your fantasies as you have found a professional designer. And all the same – it will be the brainchild of the site creator, and not yours (well, of course, after the transfer of the reward for the created site becomes your brainchild).
To the essence of the artistic embodiment
First of all, the created site should distinguish your company from competitors favorably, attract attention, and be remembered. But, nevertheless, the main task of the site is not the pursuit of the leading place in the artistic mastery of web design, but so that the created site most accurately reflects the specifics of what this company or company offers.
Using standard tools for graphical presentation of site elements, features and rules of color solutions, changing styles or following a specific direction, an experienced web designer will make a stunning site design. Not the last role in the creation of the site is played by the correct placement of information on it. The site can contain both illustrations and photographs, as well as texts, links, banners, etc., and all this diversity should certainly create the impression of a general picture – a finished work. A web designer must consider the layout of the text on the site, its design and layout, readability, etc., in a word must know what means – “usability” and be able to make a site for the user!
People web designers
They come to this profession, mainly with an art education, or at least with skills, but also with a technical education, not a few designers. For professional website creation, a web designer must have mastered basic graphic editors, basic HTML programming, have an idea of ​​the layout of the future site and, of course, creative abilities.
Web designer, if not strange, “communicates” not only with the computer. Often (if he is a freelancer) he has to engage in promoting his website or portfolio, searching for orders, working with a customer, selling his work, etc. So, do not think that designers get their honestly earned money in vain!
“Programmers” – no less important
Yes, the great “shamans” of the program code will excuse me for the word – “programmers”! But, by the nature of my work, I have quite a few acquaintances in this area, and they call themselves that, so no offense.
Everyone understands that not a single computer system can fully, and indeed cannot perform its functions without software – a certain lining between the user and the hardware, so to speak, the interpreter of the human language into its machine representation. Therefore, here is another very important profession for the Internet – web programmers, whose main task is to turn the designer’s idea into ready-made pages of the site. In other words – to make the site design image move by the user’s “mouse”.
A well-made website should not just appear before the visitor, but also provide the necessary data updates, mutual connection of the user with the site, organize the user’s communication with the site’s environment, with the creators, etc. All this is done by a web programmer.
Data protection web services
It was always relevant to hide from prying eyes what they were not meant to initially. And the network is no exception – security tasks arising from unauthorized access to a confidential network or server, access to confidential information by users who are not authenticated by the established procedure, and change (theft) of information are very important. Creation of special programs and protocols capable of confronting viruses and other attacks from outside, protecting confidential information, becomes the main task of security programmers.
Often, the programmer has to not only write programs, but also work closely on all stages of its development – drawing up a technical task, communicating with the customer by functionality, choosing means and methods of implementation, testing, debugging, writing instructions to the user (administrator), implementing a ready-made software program. product selling it.

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There is such a profession - web designer!
Today information technologies have merged into almost every corner of our life. Every year, about 40 million PCs are used in almost all areas of our lives, communications and communications…
