Creating your blog
Today, when the World Wide Web has almost flooded every home, the desire to open your own blog, there is an increasing number of people. If earlier diaries were kept…


Website Analysis
Today, in spite of weather conditions and political pre-clash, we continue the conversation begun in the past material - Basics of web-design. How to start developing a website? (it can…

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Types of sites
There are numerous types of websites based on the purposes they serve. Today, when there are more than 300 million functioning websites on the Internet, it becomes a bit difficult…



Design and logic of the Internet portal

Information portal is one of the most popular Internet resources. What only interests, aspects of life, activities they do not cover! Portals on professional topics, news portals, portals on art, politics, sports, tourism, education, psychology, and hundreds of others offer us a wealth of information and facts. We used to call this mass information. But do portals inform us? Is it possible to call a hill of washed and chopped vegetables ready tasty salad, which is also well absorbed? Not. The same with modern portals. Continue reading

What is in the name?

When you use the web or send e’mail, you use the domain name to do this. For example, the Uniform Resource Locator or URL “” contains the domain name, as well as, for example, e’mail address Every time you use a domain name, you use the DNS server of the Internet to translate the easily readable domain name into a computer-readable IP address. Continue reading

Internet crimes and punishments
Increasingly, in the news feeds we see reports of various crimes committed with the help of the Internet or directly in it. The more a global network enters our life,…


To help the site customer and future users: Customer errors
It is not a secret to anyone that a human being is far from being perfect and can be mistaken. The consequences of this affect both himself and his surroundings.…

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Promotion and site promotion in search engines
Every day on the Internet there are many completely new sites that no one knows and can not find out. At first, all web resources go through a stage of…
