Alternative browsers
Typically, choosing to work in a particular browser for Windows, the user prefers the most popular options such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. This is convenient…


Can I turn off the entire Internet?
The global system consists of millions of computers, each of which invests in the information web space a piece of information located on it. It is known that the network…

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Visual Network Enlightenment. Book review for web designer
Information for consideration CSS Zen Garden is a site that was born on May 8, 2003. The site consists of a single HTML file, by the example of which it…


operating systems

The safest font

Doctors continuously warn all computer users: prolonged sitting in front of a computer monitor is detrimental to health, especially to the eyes. Chronic eye fatigue may develop, eyesight begin to deteriorate. A disease such as CPS or computer vision syndrome appears. However, many Internet users who have heard such recommendations more than once still neglect the advice of doctors in whole or in part. Continue reading

Internet Trading Features

How to organize your trade? What do you need to do? What should be taken into account? Trading in the global network is one of the most popular and highly successful types of business today. And if you have a desire to organize your Internet business – you have made the right choice. But we must not forget that one desire is not enough, you need to have at least minimal knowledge about it and understand what you still need to do in order to start your own business in online trading. Continue reading

How the Internet works
One of the most wonderful things about the internet is that nobody owns them. The Internet is simply a large set of computer networks, both large and small, located throughout…


Internet crimes and punishments
Increasingly, in the news feeds we see reports of various crimes committed with the help of the Internet or directly in it. The more a global network enters our life,…

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To help the site customer and future users: Why do I need a website?
Imagine that you recently opened your company. You have qualified staff, great potential and excellent opportunities for the implementation of its activities. Now it's up to the customers. So you…
