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New stage of development of the network with HTML5

With new modern requirements for the design and interactivity of websites, the possibilities of the HTML4 standard, on which the vast majority of projects are built, to say the least, are exhausted. The information-advanced Internet public places increasingly stringent and practical requirements for media content, both in the field of security and in terms of universality, speed and convenience when working with information flows. The problem of replacing the standard is long overdue and today four leading companies, web browser developers: Google, Mozilla, Opera and Apple, together with the W3C organization, which is engaged in the design and implementation of Internet standards, are actively working to modify the HTML language. What is new and tasty to cook in this kitchen. I’ll tell you everything in order.
Enhanced security.
Currently, the iFrame tag used by many websites contains a clear security threat to the user system. The point is that the function of this tag is to display content from another site, for example in terms of advertising or information about the state of any data. But if a website that transmits such information is compromised, it is more likely that attackers send malicious code through it to the receiving site, which will put its users at risk of being infected with a virus.
In HTML5, to avoid this situation, Sandbox technology was designed for iFrame tags. Thanks to it, all the scripts launched via iFrame will work in a specially limited virtual environment that will not release the results of their work outside the browser, and therefore will not be able to hit the user operating system. Even if we assume that the launch of the virus through this tag does happen, it will not be able to bear any serious consequences.
Support for full graphics.
Until recently, Flash was the undisputed leader in animated graphics for browsers. With the introduction of such a tool as Canvas in the new HTML5 standard, the position of Flash graphics will probably be strongly displaced.
The essence of such a powerful innovation as Canvas is that a special space is allocated for browsers on the screen, the position of which on the web page is determined by the developer of the site. In this area, with the help of a whole set of special HTML5  every chance you can create graphic images, including animated ones, of almost any complexity. Moreover, for 3-D graphics, a special set of commands is developed that are similar to the world-famous standard of three-dimensional graphics OpenGL. Now the browser will be able to play not only beautiful two-dimensional interactive applications, but also full-fledged three-dimensional games.
If we continue to develop the direction of three-dimensional games for HTML5, in the near future we have every chance to get game projects with modern shader graphics and appropriate special effects for it. As soon as browsers graphics are completely transferred to computing support from video cards, online resources will be placed on the network with practically no difference from today’s graphically beautiful, but separately installed, clients of gaming applications.
HTML5 games implementation examples
Galactians 2
Arcade shooter in the style of Arcanoid, where the player will have to fight the alien threat by destroying the splashing enemy ships.
Sand trap
An interesting logic puzzle in which you need to rotate the proposed design in the center of the screen with the mouse so that the sand enclosed in it is poured into the bucket located below.
HTML5 Chess
Chess, fully decorated with the use of new technology and the ability to switch the review of the board with figures from a 2D to 3D view.
Video and Audio one tag.
Streams of visual and audio media have long eaten up a big bold piece of the global Internet pie in all world directions and areas. In order to play a video or audio stream in the browser, the user has to resort to using the same Flash technology.
The situation is ironic because browsers have to constantly use software crutches in the form of Flash players. I’m not even talking about the constant updates from Adobe for this technology, without which users are at great risk of picking up viruses through gaps in older versions of Flash.
HTML5 is finally intended to rid browsers of these “crutches” and enable them to fully play audio and video content on their own. To do this, HTML5 code provides special tags, the same as <video> and <audio>. However, this innovation also has its drawbacks, for example, the lack of a single standard for video codecs, which is not yet conducive to the wide distribution of this user-friendly technology and web developers.
Give us a multiple increase in speed.

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