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Creating your blog

Today, when the World Wide Web has almost flooded every home, the desire to open your own blog, there is an increasing number of people. If earlier diaries were kept solely for the sake of recording and preserving their thoughts, observations and experiences, now it has become a kind of self-expression, a desire to become popular, to meet new and interesting people. And also try your hand at creating your own project on the Internet. Some simply share information with the public to hear opinions, comments, advice and criticism. Others develop blogs for further earnings in this field. If you also decided to try yourself as a blogger, below I will provide some tips that will help you become successful in this business, and also tell you how to create your own blog and how to properly conduct it.
Creating a blog
Creating your blog starts with choosing where to place it. It can be various specialized blog services, such as LiveJournal, where any user can open his own diary for free and write there, whatever he wants. There are less adapted options, with considerable popularity. I’m talking about social pages, such as VKontakte. But It is worth noting that these free options are very limited in terms of editing the content and advertising. This method will not allow you to earn on your own blog, or significantly limit this opportunity.
To deploy a blogger in all freedom of action, you need to create your site. The disadvantages of this approach will be only a small fee for supporting such a site by the hosting company and payment for the domain unique name of the site that you assign to it. For novice authors, these costs usually do not exceed 1000-1500 rubles per year. You can build your own layout and blogging system for your site using free tools offered on the Internet.
Many blog sites are created using ordinary free engines such as WordPress, for example. At the same time, the site owner will need quite superficial knowledge of working with his own information site. Such engines are very loyal to the technical knowledge of users who do not want to burden themselves with a deep study of technologies for website building and web content management. Having set up such a blog only once, the author will add his articles with the same ease as in social networks. However, for particularly impatient, there is always an option to turn to professionals with the proposal to set up your own blog for a small fee.
Think thoroughly domain name. This should be a “talking” name, from which it is clear what the blog will be about. The number of people who visit your page will probably depend on the name. Remember that it should be short and easy to remember.
Next, you should decide on the theme of the blog. It is from it depends on the popularity of your project. The main thing is to choose a topic in which you feel confident, and well versed in it. If the topic entices you, it will be interesting for visitors to read it. Most interesting to readers will be the author’s own thoughts, and not the banal copying of materials from other resources. Moreover, the use of other materials, without the permission of the author is prosecuted.
As a platform, as already mentioned, I recommend the novice blogger to use the Russified WordPress platform. It is very simple and includes a convenient admin panel. The ease of use of the platform allows you to administer it even to a beginner. And her free license gives you the opportunity to quickly and cost-effectively launch a convenient, modern, high-quality blog.
Before you submit a blog to the general public, pre-post on it several materials. It will be enough 3 – 5 articles. Of course, you won’t be lured by this number of regular readers, but search engines will regard your blog as a worthy candidate for further indexing. Do not fill the blog with more than 10 articles. As practice shows, when starting to index the site, search engines pay attention only to those materials that are available on the first page.
In addition to personal interest to run your blog, you can also earn on it. To do this, you need to think about advertising, because the blog can be used additionally as a platform for contextual ads and advertising banners. Also on your blog you can place advertising texts for which you will receive a cash reward from the advertiser. But advertising should be taken if you already have a regular audience. A “young” blog that has just appeared on the Internet will take some time to collect a sufficient number of regular visitors.

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Yes, actually, why? It’s very simple, there were times when people kept information on clay tablets, papyrus, other information carriers. But time does not stand still, paper came to return,…
