To help the site customer and future users: You need to know that ...
The site will help you: establish new and maintain old connections in the market. Having a virtual representation on the Internet makes it much easier to get acquainted with the…


Who to entrust the development of the site?
You have thought over everything, provided for everything and decided to create an Internet representation of your company in the network. Here you can go in two ways: hiring specialists…

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Types of sites
There are numerous types of websites based on the purposes they serve. Today, when there are more than 300 million functioning websites on the Internet, it becomes a bit difficult…



Internet crimes and punishments
Increasingly, in the news feeds we see reports of various crimes committed with the help of the Internet or directly in it. The more a global network enters our life,…


Design and logic of the Internet portal
Information portal is one of the most popular Internet resources. What only interests, aspects of life, activities they do not cover! Portals on professional topics, news portals, portals on art,…

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Perfect web team
All good is always small and compact, and in my opinion the ideal web team should consist of 5 people. For starters, you need a person who will bring the…
