Why e-books? Pros, cons, facts ...
Yes, actually, why? It’s very simple, there were times when people kept information on clay tablets, papyrus, other information carriers. But time does not stand still, paper came to return,…


Visual Network Enlightenment. Book review for web designer
Information for consideration CSS Zen Garden is a site that was born on May 8, 2003. The site consists of a single HTML file, by the example of which it…

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Alternative browsers
Typically, choosing to work in a particular browser for Windows, the user prefers the most popular options such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. This is convenient…



Why e-books? Pros, cons, facts …

Yes, actually, why? It’s very simple, there were times when people kept information on clay tablets, papyrus, other information carriers. But time does not stand still, paper came to return, newspapers, books appeared that seemed to have flaws, for example: it was very easy to destroy, to lose, but there were a lot of advantages, low cost of production, ease of handling, simply speaking convenience in use, etc. Therefore, people did not continue to write on the tablets, but switched to paper. Continue reading

The most famous hackers
Hackers are the most gifted in the literal sense of the word circle of people involved in hacking various types of systems for fun, without causing appreciable harm to computers.…


New stage of development of the network with HTML5
With new modern requirements for the design and interactivity of websites, the possibilities of the HTML4 standard, on which the vast majority of projects are built, to say the least,…

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Who to entrust the development of the site?
You have thought over everything, provided for everything and decided to create an Internet representation of your company in the network. Here you can go in two ways: hiring specialists…
