The main elements of the modern site.
Elements of a modern web site. So from the first estimate, it is certainly difficult to identify the main features of a modern web site. But I still try to…


Design and logic of the Internet portal
Information portal is one of the most popular Internet resources. What only interests, aspects of life, activities they do not cover! Portals on professional topics, news portals, portals on art,…

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Types of sites
There are numerous types of websites based on the purposes they serve. Today, when there are more than 300 million functioning websites on the Internet, it becomes a bit difficult…



The main elements of the modern site.

Elements of a modern web site.
So from the first estimate, it is certainly difficult to identify the main features of a modern web site. But I still try to do it. Web design is closer to art than to artisan creation, and like any art can not be defined by clear definitions and regulations. However, now there are several criteria that a modern web site must meet. Continue reading

Tips for web design to increase sales
The better the design of your site, the higher your chances of increasing sales. Studies show that the main factor affecting the purchasing power of visitors to a commercial site…


Internet Trading Features
How to organize your trade? What do you need to do? What should be taken into account? Trading in the global network is one of the most popular and highly…

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Perception of the site through its color palette
The color scheme is one of the most interesting and important problems on the way to creating a website. Here the human perception of color plays a huge role. It's…
