How to determine the cost of the site
Starting to choose the company-developer of your resource, you probably have a certain budget. But first we recommend you to conduct a small marketing research. To develop a job that…


The safest font
Doctors continuously warn all computer users: prolonged sitting in front of a computer monitor is detrimental to health, especially to the eyes. Chronic eye fatigue may develop, eyesight begin to…

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Visual Network Enlightenment. Book review for web designer
Information for consideration CSS Zen Garden is a site that was born on May 8, 2003. The site consists of a single HTML file, by the example of which it…


Daily Archives: November 13, 2018

There is such a profession – web designer!

Today information technologies have merged into almost every corner of our life. Every year, about 40 million PCs are used in almost all areas of our lives, communications and communications are rapidly developing. And, naturally, it is in this area that new and new professions are increasingly in demand, such as a web programmer, a system administrator, an information security specialist, a web designer and many others. Continue reading

Theory of Web Specializations

The article is based on the personal observations of the author. Therefore, no one takes away from the reader the right to consider it subjective.
Essence of the theory
(lines show the time intervals, circles and numbers in them are understood as a profession and amount of knowledge, respectively)
What’s happening? The process of separation of professions. Continue reading

Internet cheating
It has already become clear to many that you can make money online, but there is no “freebie” there. Almost everyone who uses the Internet has repeatedly come across a…


Time synchronization via the Internet
Time in the era of information technology has acquired special significance for modern man. Each of us glances at his watch at least several times a day. Many regularly synchronize…

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Stealth viruses or stealth viruses
Stealth viruses (Stealth) or invisible viruses are a type of resident viruses (reside in RAM). Stealth-viruses falsify information read from the disk so that the program for which this information…
