New stage of development of the network with HTML5
With new modern requirements for the design and interactivity of websites, the possibilities of the HTML4 standard, on which the vast majority of projects are built, to say the least, are exhausted. The information-advanced Internet public places increasingly stringent and practical requirements for media content, both in the field of security and in terms of universality, speed and convenience when working with information flows. The problem of replacing the standard is long overdue and today four leading companies, web browser developers: Google, Mozilla, Opera and Apple, together with the W3C organization, which is engaged in the design and implementation of Internet standards, are actively working to modify the HTML language. What is new and tasty to cook in this kitchen. Continue reading
Alternative browsers
Typically, choosing to work in a particular browser for Windows, the user prefers the most popular options such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. This is convenient because it allows you to use software from giants who make changes to their code and complement their offspring with all sorts of plug-ins and extensions almost daily. Continue reading