Recipe learning web design
Income-generating websiteWeb design and related disciplines are still relatively young and still under development. I am often asked the same question: "How to become a web designer?". The answer is…


Non-standard operating systems
Menuet OS is an operating system not similar to Windows or Unix because it is written not in C (C ++), but in pure assembler (therefore the code is very…

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Website Analysis
Today, in spite of weather conditions and political pre-clash, we continue the conversation begun in the past material - Basics of web-design. How to start developing a website? (it can…



25 frame: truth or fiction?

Homo sapience (a reasonable person) has been studying the possibilities of studying human beings for about as many years as there are on the planet. Mind is peculiar to the process of self-knowledge.
Even before our era, some outstanding minds came to the conclusion that the human brain has both the conscious and the subconscious, the key to which the ancients could not find. Continue reading

Design and logic of the Internet portal
Information portal is one of the most popular Internet resources. What only interests, aspects of life, activities they do not cover! Portals on professional topics, news portals, portals on art,…


Alternative browsers
Typically, choosing to work in a particular browser for Windows, the user prefers the most popular options such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. This is convenient…

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Perception of the site through its color palette
The color scheme is one of the most interesting and important problems on the way to creating a website. Here the human perception of color plays a huge role. It's…
