An error that could kill your site.
What is important on your site? Design? Navigation? Pictures? Probably, all this is important, but if your site is not an art gallery, then the text is the most important one.
This is easily seen. You can remove from the pages of all the pictures, and the site is likely to remain viable, although it will lose in beauty. But replace the text on the pages with quotations from “A Lay of Igor” and the site will not be able to do its job. Continue reading
To help the site customer and future users: Customer errors
It is not a secret to anyone that a human being is far from being perfect and can be mistaken. The consequences of this affect both himself and his surroundings. The biggest problem is that he is often unable to understand what his mistakes are and, therefore, he cannot correct them either. This applies to all human activities without exception. Continue reading
To help the site customer and future users: You need to know that …
The site will help you:
establish new and maintain old connections in the market. Having a virtual representation on the Internet makes it much easier to get acquainted with the company and its activities, as well as creating partnerships. Agree, it is easier to write an email than to call.
optimize the labor and time costs of distributing information about your company. Continue reading