Online photo slideshow
Photos replacing each other in the form of a presentation clip on which you can overlay music and animated transition effects - this is what the slide show consists of…


Can I turn off the entire Internet?
The global system consists of millions of computers, each of which invests in the information web space a piece of information located on it. It is known that the network…

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To help the site customer and future users: Why do I need a website?
Imagine that you recently opened your company. You have qualified staff, great potential and excellent opportunities for the implementation of its activities. Now it's up to the customers. So you…


imminent bankruptcy

How are sites created?

Recently it has become terribly fashionable to place commercial websites and representative web pages on the Web: each tiny company considers it its duty to leave its own mark on the endless virtual spaces of the World Intellectual Garbage. No, the craze itself, as a social phenomenon, first manifested itself in the ninety-seventh year, and only then it gradually acquired the features of mass psychosis, but in the era of the formation of Runet, business leaders and other responsible people still tried to trust the development of their own Internet representations at least to people who own the basics of HTML and know how to handle Photoshop. Continue reading

Time synchronization via the Internet
Time in the era of information technology has acquired special significance for modern man. Each of us glances at his watch at least several times a day. Many regularly synchronize…


Internet business for beginners
Trade, business, exchange of goods - all these concepts, in one form or another, have existed since time immemorial. With the development of technology and the accumulation of knowledge by…

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Internet cheating
It has already become clear to many that you can make money online, but there is no “freebie” there. Almost everyone who uses the Internet has repeatedly come across a…
