Internet crimes and punishments
Increasingly, in the news feeds we see reports of various crimes committed with the help of the Internet or directly in it. The more a global network enters our life,…


One of the main factors for business success is the optimization of your site.
Well-promoted site is now an integral part of the image of a thriving company. Web site promotion on the internet is the ability to apply search engine algorithms to generate…

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Website development: Website types
Often the customer, ordering in a design studio to create a site, does not even know what format the developed resource should have. Will it be a simple promotional website…


emotional state

User friendly interface

When planning the structure of the navigation menu – consider well-known statistics, which states that the average user must find the final document in a maximum (!) Of three steps (three clicks), i.e. if you use so-called. “sequential navigation” (when the user must select the section of interest to access the document X, then go to document 2, then to the document … X-1) – your visitor may never get to the information he needs . Why?
Here you should take into account the level of intelligence, and the amount of patience, and the very possibility of a long surfing the site. In the end – you should just respect the visitor, save his personal time. Continue reading

Who to entrust the development of the site?
You have thought over everything, provided for everything and decided to create an Internet representation of your company in the network. Here you can go in two ways: hiring specialists…


What is PR?
Let us imagine that the boss gave you the task to pick up the literature, pull the given info from there (and say about the food industry) and prepare this…

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Perception of the site through its color palette
The color scheme is one of the most interesting and important problems on the way to creating a website. Here the human perception of color plays a huge role. It's…
